Referral Network

Our referral network, enCompass RN, facilitates communication that allows ePHI to be transmitted securely across the internet to multiple providers who maintain health records for any given patient. enCompass RN will save time, advance patient care, reduce costs, and heighten privacy. Demographic information, clinical results, reports, and progress notes are just some of the ePHI that can be transmitted via the referrals network.

enCompass RN is an isolated application from our EHR product. The referral network acts as a stand-alone product and proves to be efficient, regardless if your office has an EHR system or not. As technology grows, the quality of patient healthcare improves. Implementation is quick and the learning curve is minimal. Let us help you maintain excellent patient care.

Jump on board with the forward thinking product enCompass RN. Discussion about Stage 2 and 3 requirements have already focused on the integration of exchange network technology. M3 Healthcare Solutions is already ahead of the curve with our product enCompass RN. Explore how enCompass RN can improve your practice.